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Double Chin Kybella Treatment
In Marina Del Rey

You’re tired of seeing that thing in the mirror. The double chin.

No amount of exercise makes it go away. When you lose weight, the flaps around your neck just get worse from the stretch marks.

How do you get rid of that double-chinned menace?

We’ve got a non-invasive solution for you that doesn’t involve surgery, knives, or cutting. After just 30 minutes, you can go about your day and a few weeks later you’ll start to notice the results.

Welcome to double chin Kybella treatments in Marina Del Rey.

A before and after visualization of a kybella treatment done in Marina Del Rey.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is very good at dissolving fat in your body gradually over the course of a few weeks. It’s a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, an ingredient of bile. Rather than bile from your gall bladder, we can target where we want this mild acid to break down fat cells.

Kybella injections received FDA approval in late April 2015.

How does Kybella work?

Deoxycholic acid helps your body naturally break down fat cells as you digest food. Kybella’s synthetic form of this acid helps your body destroy targeted fat cells in your chin with just a few simple injections.

Your body’s own immune system takes away the dead fat cells after Kybella kills them off. You’ll never have to worry about those fat cells bothering you ever again.

Your double chin stays away because your body doesn’t reproduce those fat cells.

What are the advantages of a double chin Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey?

Before Kybella, double chins needed surgery to get rid of them. That meant spending hours at the hospital or outpatient surgery center. You would need anesthetics to keep you sedated, which requires recovery time afterward.

Double chin treatments from Kybella eliminate the targeted fatty areas without surgery.

It’s 100% injectable, works quickly with just one treatment, and you don’t need to come back if you don’t want to because the fat cells never return once they are destroyed.

Kybella works on other parts of your body that commonly see fat deposits

What other parts of your body is a Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey good for?

A double chin treatment from Kybella is safe to use anywhere you see fat deposits accumulating on your body.

These areas might include:

  • Armpits
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Lower belly
  • Lower buttocks
  • Inner knees
  • Lower buttocks
  • Back
  • Bra bulge areas

Please note that double chin Kybella treatments should NEVER ever replace weight loss programs when you want to lose weight.

Kybella is just for minor instances of losing fat, not weight. There is a difference.

Who are ideal candidates for double chin Kybella treatments in Marina Del Rey?

Do you want a double chin Kybella treatment in Marin Del Rey?

You must be:

  • 18 or older
  • In good health
  • Not pregnant
  • Not taking any blood-thinning medication

We will help you determine if you are a candidate for a double chin Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey.

When might you want a double chin Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey?

Read this list in order from start to finish. If you agree by the time you finish reading step four, you might be a good candidate for a double chin Kybella treatment.

  • Your exercise all of the time. You are healthy, trim, and fit. Yet your double chin remains stubbornly in place and it has been there for years, staring back at you in the mirror.
  • You’re tired of looking at the double chin. You wonder if there is a non-surgical way to get rid of it.
  • Your skin looks fantastic with no problems. You just want that chinny-chin-chin gone.
  • You are in good health and you have a stable body weight.

Consider a double chin Kybella treatment if you made it through all four of these steps and you know precisely what we’re talking about.

What should I do before my double chin Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey?

  1. Consult with our staff during an initial appointment. We will help you determine if a double chin Kybella treatment is a good fit for you.
  2. Do you take blood thinners or over-the-counter medications that can thin your blood? Think aspirin and NSAIDs. What about herbal supplements like vitamin K or fish oil? Stop taking these medications or supplements a few weeks before your double chin Kybella treatment. It will reduce your chances of bruising at the injection sites.
  3. Results typically take two to four weeks. If you want your new look before a special occasion, like an anniversary, reunion, or birthday, you need to plan your Kybella appointment properly.
  4. If you normally wear makeup, don’t apply it the morning of your double chin Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey. It will make it easier to inject the fat-dissolving substance into your chin.

What happens during my Kybella appointment in Marina Del Rey?

Our staff will walk you through your double chin Kybella treatment during every step. The process is very easy, and you’ll be done in about 30 minutes.

  • First, we cleanse your treatment area (chin, knees, back, or abdomen).
  • Next, our staff applies a mild anesthetic so the needle pricks don’t hurt. You’ll also stay more comfortable this way.
  • Third, and last, our clinicians make a few injections using very small needles. We target the unwanted fat under your chin for deletion.
  • That’s it. You can return to your ordinary day after this!

Expect your double chin Kybella treatment to last around 30 minutes. Feel free to schedule your appointment for your lunch break. Aftward, you simply go about your normal day.

How do I take care of myself after my double chin Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey?

Try to avoid direct sunlight on your chin, so good sunscreen can help if you plan on being outside for a while over the next 48 hours.

Stack two or three pillows to sleep upright on your back for a few nights. This will take pressure off of your chin.

Feel free to apply moisturizers and makeup as per your ordinary routine.

What are the side effects of my double chin Kybella treatment?

Minor and common and side effects of a double hin Kybella treatment may nclude:

  • Minor swelling surrounding the injection site
  • Redness of your skin
  • Numbness around the injection point
  • Itching near where the needle entered your skin
  • Slight bruising, again around the injection site
  • Minor bleeding, particularly where the needles entered your chin
  • Mild pain around the injection sites
  • Hard skin following the treatment

Where can I get a Kybella treatment in Marina Del Rey?

Contact us at True Jewel Cosmetic Center to discuss how a double chin Kybella treatment can help you.

Our team of highly trained clinicians will listen to you and develop a treatment plan right for you.

Before & After

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Do you live in or near Culver City, Venice, Playa Vista, or Marina Del Ray and are you ready to book your future appointment for a Kybella treatment? Click below! Free consultations.

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