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Culver City Double Chin Treatment

There are a few ways to get rid of double chins in Culver City, including surgery and injections. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. We’re going to take a look at non-surgical Kybella injections and compare them with surgical options.

A before and after photo of a double chin reduction treatment using the injectable treatment Kybella.

What Is Double Chin Surgery?

In double chin surgery, extra skin is removed from the lower jawline area. It can be done with liposuction or laser resurfacing – both of them are surgical. They usually take an hour or less and only require local anesthesia. After that, recoveries are quick and you’re back to normal in a matter of days.

What is Kybella?

When we consume food, our bodies break apart fat cells using deoxycholic acid. Kybella is an injectable drug made from this synthetic molecule which is great for rupturing fat cells under your skin.

Kybella has been FDA-approved for use as a nonsurgical procedure to get rid of fat under the chin (submental area) in adults with excess fat.

Kybella Injection Versus Surgery

Kybella has a big advantage over liposuction: It doesn’t require general anesthesia. Liposuction is done under general anesthesia, so you’re likely to feel some pain during recovery. Furthermore, liposuction has a higher chance of complications than Kybella.

Am I a candidate for Kybella?

You might be a candidate for Kybella if you want to get rid of fat under your chin without going through surgery. It takes about 20 minutes and only requires one injection per side. The procedure is painless, non-invasive, and most people recover pretty quickly.

Kybella® isn’t right for everyone, so you’ll need to talk to a clinician at Culver City’s True Jewel Cosmetic Center first. During your first visit, you can talk about your goals and how many sessions you need.

How long do Kybella treatments take?

Each treatment lasts about 20 minutes. The amount of total treatments needed to reach optimal results varies from patient to patient. Some people only need one injection, while others may need several. Patients typically require one to three injections every six weeks.

Once you’ve had your first session, you’ll see development within a few weeks, with more opportunities available to achieve your goals.

Do the Injections Hurt?

There’s no pain involved in the procedure, but some people get mild discomfort when they’re getting injected. Occasionally, patients feel pressure, burning, stinging, or warmth at the injection site.

Recovery And What To Expect After Your Treatment

Each patient’s recovery is different. Some people don’t feel any discomfort after the procedure, while others may feel sore for a day or two. Some patients may have swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness around their treated area. This usually only lasts a few days. Most people feel better within two weeks.

When Can You Expect To See Results?

Most people see results after six months of Kybella. There are some cases where people see results sooner. It all depends on the amount of fat, the number of treatments, and the person’s health.

Fat cells in the target area are permanently destroyed in this procedure, and you might experience some side effects, such as redness or swelling.

What Are The Side Effects And Risks?

We have a licensed, qualified clinician doing your injections at True Jewel Cosmetic Center in Culver City.

One of the most common side effects is swelling at the injection site. It usually goes away after a few days. You could also get pain, tenderness, soreness, swelling, numbness, and bruising-like discoloration. There are permanent side effects, like nerve damage, facial paralysis, and chewing and swallowing problems that should be considered.

Is Kybella better than other methods of chin reduction?

Kybella is a great way to remove chin fat without going through surgery. The FDA approved procedure removes chin fat safely and effectively.

Aside from Kybella, liposuction is the most common way to get rid of fat under the chin. With this procedure, your excess fat is suctioned out, and then stitched back up. It’s one of the safest cosmetic procedures out there, but it’s not without risk. Some people get bruising and swelling after the procedure, which can last a few weeks. Also, since liposuction requires general anesthesia, the recovery can take up to three months.

In Sum

Overall, Kybella is a great way to get rid of stubborn fat under the chin. Make sure to talk to one of our clinicians about all the possible outcomes if you’re considering this option. Be sure to ask about any potential side effects for your specific health situation before undergoing the procedure. To get started with Kybella, speak to one of our clinicians today!

Before & After

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